Living the day-to-day life of the sector alongside our clients is the best way to get to know their reality and help them achieve their challenges.

Vacations under control

At the end of July, the need to close projects and keep operations under control to avoid the phone ringing off the hook during the ...
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After SIL Barcelona, new projects

In the past few days, we have been showcasing the latest features we have developed for our dock management software, Slot’s Eyes, at the 23rd ...
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Remember! We look forward to seeing you at the Slot’s Eyes stand at SIL Barcelona to present our new products.

Next 7, 8 and 9 June, the Slot’s Eyes team of consultants will be waiting for you at our stand (F625) at SIL 2023 to ...
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We present the new features of the Slot’s Eyes dock management software at SIL 2023 Barcelona.

New developments in the Slot’s Eyes yard management system include, among others, the possibility to attach documentation to the platform and the export of data ...
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SLOT’S EYES, The Platform For Warehouse Operations Optimisation

The warehouse is the space from which we send and receive goods. In order for human and physical resources to be used optimally, it is ...
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KERN Pharma Relies On Slot’s Eyes For Warehouse Management

Slot’s Eyes is a platform that manages to increase the control of dock operations in organisations. Recently, we have presented our platform at the ICIL ...
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Slot’s Eyes: The Warehouse Management Platform That Supports Teleworking

The State of Alarm Decree of 14 March 2020 forced many companies to change their way of working. In addition, there were many recommendations from ...
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Organise Your Dockside Inbound And Outbound With Slot’s Eyes Logistics Management Software

In today’s article we are going to explain the advantages that Slot’s Eyes logistics management software can bring to a company, so that it can ...
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Achieve Maximum Optimisation And Efficiency Of Your Company’s Docks With Warehouse Management Software

Having a warehouse management software means a great improvement in many ways, such as transport or resource management, providing great results in terms of efficiency ...
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