Advantages of organisation, warehouse management and dock control

Nowadays, in the vast majority of sectors, market saturation is very high and it is becoming increasingly difficult to implement differentiating aspects that allow companies to break into the market. It is for this reason that companies focus on working on their competitive advantages to achieve a position that allows them to stand out from other companies that address the same target public. One of them starts in the organisation and management of warehouses.

In this sense, agility and efficiency play a key role in the quality of service and the capacity to respond to suppliers and customers. For this reason, the organisation and management of warehouses has become an important factor to take into account.

The warehouse manager, or supply chain manager, is not only in charge of the organisation and management of warehouses at an internal level, but also of the accesses through the docks, which is where the whole process begins.

In the loading and unloading docks of a warehouse, a lot of time is wasted due to a lack of organisational and reaction capacity because the arrivals of the carriers are not controlled. In this way, it is very difficult to manage the company’s resources in a correct and efficient way, which leads to overcrowding at peak times or loss of time and capacity to optimise resources at off-peak times.

Slot management and dock control software, Slot’s Eyes, allows an internal schedule to be organised from the outset and managed by warehouse staff. Carriers can book time slots with the estimated time needed for loading and unloading goods. The time in advance with which the carriers must make reservations is stipulated by the company, just as it has the power of decision at all times to accept or refuse a reservation.

With Slot’s Eyes, once the booking is accepted or rejected, the system sends a notification to the carrier confirming or denying the booking of a slot, or more than one consecutive slot, for the requested date. In addition, the booking can be marked as a one-off or recurring booking if necessary.

By being able to have real-time control of the status of the warehouse docks, company staff can redirect traffic, manage loading and unloading times more efficiently and optimise the use of resources, both personnel and material available in the warehouse.

Slot’s Eyes offers an exhaustive control of the entire process, as well as compiling information that allows reports to be extracted to implement improvements that make it possible to save time, resources and money for the company, with the consequent increase in competitiveness with respect to other companies due to all these factors.