Achieve Maximum Optimisation And Efficiency Of Your Company’s Docks With Warehouse Management Software

Having a warehouse management software means a great improvement in many ways, such as transport or resource management, providing great results in terms of efficiency and optimisation. Let’s take a look at some of the improvements we get when we start using Slot’s Eyes:

  • Reduce costs; You will achieve great savings in manpower, time, costs… controlling the different factors involved in the profitability of the company’s resources by managing the loading and unloading docks.
  • Continuous improvement; One of the great benefits is the constant updating, which makes it easier for the organisation to keep up to date with the latest changes in the booking calendar of the different docks. In fact, it allows you to confirm or deny bookings (with a minimum of 12 hours for users outside your company) and the platform automatically sends an email to notify you. This means that, in the event of any change of plans, logistics operators can change the booking of the carrier or supplier, optimising time and resources by having the necessary information to make decisions.
  • Optimisation of loading and unloading; the warehouse management software allows you to plan the entry and exit of goods, to determine the most suitable time to receive the carriers, taking into account the manpower, available equipment, etc.
  • Customise your dock information; this warehouse management software allows you to stipulate the time required for each operation so that, if the carrier needs more slots for loading or unloading, a wider time slot can be reserved.
  • Productivity is increased; time is optimised, effort is reduced and the pace of work is also increased, resulting in a safer, more efficient and profitable working environment.

Warehouse Management Software, The Best Solution for Manufacturers and Shippers

In our company we present a perfect solution for the coordination between manufacturers and transporters in dock management: Slot’s Eyes, a warehouse management software that, among many other functions, allows you to reserve time slots and thus efficiently manage the necessary resources at the time of loading and unloading operations.

What does our Slot’s Eyes Warehouse Management Software allow you to do?

  • Assign roles to users
    Pre-booking of slots in advance
  • Periodic booking of a warehouse, dock and time slot
  • Customise information about the warehouse, specifying the time you need for operations, book more than one consecutive slot, etc.
  • Confirm or reject bookings, logistics operators can change the booking of a carrier and the platform will automatically notify you of the changes that have taken place.
  • Structured, quick and general overview of the warehouse situation.
  • Arrival confirmation
  • Quality questionnaire to improve service
  • Statistics of all information collected by the platform to evaluate the warehouse efficiency.

This system offers great benefits to make profitable and optimise time and resources for your company: creating more efficient workload tables, assigning the personnel and machinery resources that are needed, etc.